On May 31, 2019, the annual Academic Kaleidoscope of RDF International School was held in a grand way. Nearly 400 students and teachers participated, with dozens of parents also attending the school e
12月6日晚的深圳瑞得福学校校园内,一片流光溢彩、欢声笑语,美妙的歌声随着海风飘向远方。这是一个令人难忘的夜晚!筹备多时、众人期待的“The Voice of RDF ”瑞得福好声音决赛在今夜唱响。舞台全面升级专业级音响设备重量级评委坐镇特邀表演嘉宾助阵层层选拔而来的选手倾情演绎一切的一切,只为造就这一场惊艳世人的听觉盛宴!经过初赛的严格选拔,共有9组选手进入到本次瑞得福好声音的决赛。比赛首回合采
What a week! The high school volleyball teams had a strong showing against SWIS and then our school soccer teams had their first games of the season in Shekou. All of our athletes made RDF proud
HS Volleyball was in action on Monday against strong SCIE teams. 高中排球队周一将对阵强大的SCIE排球队。We are so pleased by our opportunity to compete with other Shenzhen-area international schools. Each season o
Orientation Activity and Team Building校园文化建设与拓展团建2018年8月15日,深圳瑞得福学校在盛大的开学典礼中开启了崭新的学年。开学伊始,在深圳瑞得福学校外教及中教的精心策划之下,组织了一场由射箭、棒球、赛艇、帆船、户外技能等多达十数种活动的破冰周,并在每一项活动都融入美式菁英教育所推崇并需要锻炼的领导力、创新能力、团队精神、沟通力、抗挫力等优秀品质。这样
什么是“歪来歪去”?歪(谐音“外”)来歪去国际俱乐部,英文名是Outsiders Club ,是专门针对深圳瑞得福学校外地学生和外籍学生建立的周末活动组织。 作为一个国际化的高度寄宿制美式国际学校,深圳瑞得福学校汇聚了大批来自五湖四海的有志学子,其中不乏金发碧眼、高鼻深目的外籍学生。而歪来歪去国际俱乐部正是为了丰富这些外地学子的周末生活成立的。歪来歪去国际俱乐部每月将不定期组织各种周末
In the great summer of 2016, a group of students signed up to go on a summer camp to Stanford University in USA for two weeks, which turned out to be a very splendid trip.On July 23rd, the team assemb
On May 31, 2019, the annual Academic Kaleidoscope of RDF International School was held in a grand way. Nearly 400 students and teachers participated, with dozens of parents also attending the school e
12月6日晚的深圳瑞得福学校校园内,一片流光溢彩、欢声笑语,美妙的歌声随着海风飘向远方。这是一个令人难忘的夜晚!筹备多时、众人期待的“The Voice of RDF ”瑞得福好声音决赛在今夜唱响。舞台全面升级专业级音响设备重量级评委坐镇特邀表演嘉宾助阵层层选拔而来的选手倾情演绎一切的一切,只为造就这一场惊艳世人的听觉盛宴!经过初赛的严格选拔,共有9组选手进入到本次瑞得福好声音的决赛。比赛首回合采
What a week! The high school volleyball teams had a strong showing against SWIS and then our school soccer teams had their first games of the season in Shekou. All of our athletes made RDF proud
HS Volleyball was in action on Monday against strong SCIE teams. 高中排球队周一将对阵强大的SCIE排球队。We are so pleased by our opportunity to compete with other Shenzhen-area international schools. Each season o
Orientation Activity and Team Building校园文化建设与拓展团建2018年8月15日,深圳瑞得福学校在盛大的开学典礼中开启了崭新的学年。开学伊始,在深圳瑞得福学校外教及中教的精心策划之下,组织了一场由射箭、棒球、赛艇、帆船、户外技能等多达十数种活动的破冰周,并在每一项活动都融入美式菁英教育所推崇并需要锻炼的领导力、创新能力、团队精神、沟通力、抗挫力等优秀品质。这样
什么是“歪来歪去”?歪(谐音“外”)来歪去国际俱乐部,英文名是Outsiders Club ,是专门针对深圳瑞得福学校外地学生和外籍学生建立的周末活动组织。 作为一个国际化的高度寄宿制美式国际学校,深圳瑞得福学校汇聚了大批来自五湖四海的有志学子,其中不乏金发碧眼、高鼻深目的外籍学生。而歪来歪去国际俱乐部正是为了丰富这些外地学子的周末生活成立的。歪来歪去国际俱乐部每月将不定期组织各种周末
In the great summer of 2016, a group of students signed up to go on a summer camp to Stanford University in USA for two weeks, which turned out to be a very splendid trip.On July 23rd, the team assemb