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Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
 Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
Robert House  AP世界历史、哲学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian
2024届毕业生 伊乐桐 Hedy 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伊乐桐 Hedy
2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy
2024届毕业生 张瑜彤 Paris 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
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2024届毕业生 吴炳衡 Henry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 吴炳衡 Henry
2024届毕业生 黄佳祺 Fernicky 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 黄佳祺 Fernicky
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo
2019-04-26  19603  校园活动

2019年4月18日,深圳瑞得福学校管弦乐队与远道而来的美国佛罗里达州Lake Highland Preparatory School开展联合演出。在音乐的世界里,没有国家、种族、语言的栅栏。两只乐队只经过短短一天的磨合,就携手奉献出了一场高质量的听觉盛宴。下面,我们有请本次活动的主要组织者Mr. Manhar Dalal及Emily Anderson带我们来回味这一动人绝响。

Administrator Report

By Mr. Manhar Dalal, Academic Vice Principal

Last week, on April 17–18, RDF International School was honored to welcome students from the orchestra and chorus at Lake Highland Preparatory School in Orlando, Florida, USA. In all,about 30 students and parents traveled to RDFIS for two packed days of rehearsals, sightseeing, and lovely meals with some of our RDF musicians. Our students were lucky to be able to learn under the teaching of Lake Highland’s outstanding Orchestra Director Mr. Michael Simpson, who has led some of the finest youth orchestras in Florida. RDF 10th grader Mike Li said, “Mr. Simpson changed my part during rehearsal, and made me really think about playing something different. It reminded me of playing in a Symphony when I lived in America.” Fellow RDF student Jean-Claude Laverlot added, “It was a great new experience playing with a professional conductor. He taught me how to be more professional in my playing and practicing.”

上周,4月17日至18日,深圳瑞得福学校荣幸地迎来了来自美国佛罗里达州奥兰多Lake Highland预科学校的管弦乐队和合唱团。 总共有大约30位师生和家长来到RDFIS进行了两天的交流,参观和体验美食。 我们的学生很幸运,能够在Lake Highland的杰出管弦乐团指挥Michael Simpson先生的指导下学习,他曾指导过佛罗里达州一些优秀的青年管弦乐队。 RDF十年级学生Mike Li说:“Simpson先生在排练期间变换了我在乐队中的角色,激发了我的热情去体验不同的东西。这让我想起了,当我在美国生活时,在交响乐团中演奏的时光。”RDF学生Jean-Claude Laverlot补充道,“这是一次与专业指挥一起演奏的全新体验。 他告诉我如何在演奏和练习中表现得更专业。”

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Thursday afternoon, our guests were joined by 16 RDF musicians for a wonderful concert featuring pieces from a diverse background such as Telemann and Van Morrison. The performance space was filled to capacity with students, teachers, and parents. Eleventh grade student Tim Li said, “My friends said the concert was the best activity at RDF this year!” RDF students participating included the full Beginning Brass Band class, taught by Mrs. Melissa Leuschel, as well as other talented RDF musicians. The full list of participants is Emily Anderson, Linda Anderson, Benjamin Anderson, Vincent HongyangZhao, Marco Yihuan Luo, Lisa Xiangning Li, Grant Jialin Liu, Maggie Fangrui Wang,Jack Shancheng Huang, Jean-Claude Laverlot, Mike Guangchong Li, Tim Haotian Li,Ellin Chenzilu Wang, Adam Peiran Yuan, Alan Gaoming Zhang, and Sylar Wenjie Zhang.

星期四下午,我们的客人与16位RDF小音乐家一起共同演出了一场精彩的音乐会,演出了来自Telemann和Van Morrison等多元化的作品。 学生,教师和家长坐满了整个表演大堂。 十一年级的学生Tim Li说:“我的朋友说这场音乐会是RDF今年最好的活动!”参与的RDF学生不仅来自MelissaLeuschel指导的初级铜管乐队课程,还有不少其他才华横溢的RDF音乐家。完整的参与学生名单如下:Emily Anderson, Linda Anderson, Benjamin Anderson, 赵泓洋, 罗乙桓, 李香凝, 刘佳霖, 王芳蕊, 黄山城, Jean-Claude Laverlot, 李广翀, 李浩天,王陈子璐,袁沛然, 张高明, 张文杰.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

While it may seem like a random connection for a school from Florida to visit RDF, in fact it is a story almost 20 years in the making. Mr. Dalal, Academic Vice Principal and math teacher was a student of Mr. Simpson as a 6th and 7th grader. Over the years, their friendship has grown, and last summer they had dinner together and began planning a joint performance in China. Through hours of planning and hard work, last week was the realization of their vision for a musical and cultural exchange between China and America, and the results could not have been better.

佛罗里达州的一所学校访问了RDFIS,这看起来是一件再简单不过的事情。但事实上,这是一段跨越了几乎二十年的故事。RDFIS的学术副校长&数学老师,Dalal先生,早在他六七年级的时候,就已是Simpson先生的学生了。多年来,他们的友谊仍在不断增长,去年夏天他们在一次共进晚餐的过程中,便开始计划在中国进行联合演出。 通过无数个小时的规划和努力,上周终于实现了他们对中美之间音乐和文化交流的愿景,收获了令人满意的结果。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Student Perspective

By Emily Anderson, Grade 11

On April 17, 2019, a group of students from Lake Highland Preparatory School in Florida joined RDF students to form acombined orchestra. During two days, students worked together to create beautiful music. The work culminated in a musical performance on April 18 that was attended by many students, teachers, and parents. Orchestra students performed the following pieces.

2019年4月17日,来自佛罗里达州Lake Highland预科学校的一群学生来到了RDFIS,组成了一个联合管弦乐队。在两天的时间里,学生们共同创作出许多美妙的音乐。这项合作在4月18日的音乐表演中达到高潮,许多学生,老师和家长参加了这场演出。乐团学生们演奏了以下的作品:

  • Telemann Sinfonia
  • Artemis Rising
  • The Ash Grove
  • Rondeau
  • Moondance

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Everyone also enjoyed four vocal pieces presented by a choral group from Lake Highland. Mr. Michael Simpson, conductor of the orchestra, expressed his sincere gratitude many times throughout the afternoon concert. “It is truly an honor to perform with the students of RDF International School,” he said.

所有人都沉浸于由Highland Lake合唱团演奏的四首声乐作品中。管弦乐队指挥Michael Simpson先生在下午的音乐会上多次表示了衷心的感谢。 “与RDF国际学校的学生一起表演真的很荣幸,”他说。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

RDF students connected with the students from Florida during rehearsals and at dinner on both nights of the collaboration. On one night, students and parents enjoyed a presentation led by Mary Su, leader of the Chinese Culture Club. Another highlight was Leon Zhan’s performance on the Chinese zither.


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Students who participated in the orchestra enjoyed a farewell dinner on April 18 at a local restaurant. RDF student Emily Anderson said, “We had a great time making music with our new friends! We are so grateful to everyone who made this experience possible.”

参加管弦乐队的学生于4月18日在当地的一家餐馆享用告别晚宴。RDFIS学生Emily Anderson说:“我们和新朋友一起创作音乐的过程真是太棒了! 我们非常感谢让这次体验成为可能的每一个人。”

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1
2019-04-26  19603  校园活动

2019年4月18日,深圳瑞得福学校管弦乐队与远道而来的美国佛罗里达州Lake Highland Preparatory School开展联合演出。在音乐的世界里,没有国家、种族、语言的栅栏。两只乐队只经过短短一天的磨合,就携手奉献出了一场高质量的听觉盛宴。下面,我们有请本次活动的主要组织者Mr. Manhar Dalal及Emily Anderson带我们来回味这一动人绝响。

Administrator Report

By Mr. Manhar Dalal, Academic Vice Principal

Last week, on April 17–18, RDF International School was honored to welcome students from the orchestra and chorus at Lake Highland Preparatory School in Orlando, Florida, USA. In all,about 30 students and parents traveled to RDFIS for two packed days of rehearsals, sightseeing, and lovely meals with some of our RDF musicians. Our students were lucky to be able to learn under the teaching of Lake Highland’s outstanding Orchestra Director Mr. Michael Simpson, who has led some of the finest youth orchestras in Florida. RDF 10th grader Mike Li said, “Mr. Simpson changed my part during rehearsal, and made me really think about playing something different. It reminded me of playing in a Symphony when I lived in America.” Fellow RDF student Jean-Claude Laverlot added, “It was a great new experience playing with a professional conductor. He taught me how to be more professional in my playing and practicing.”

上周,4月17日至18日,深圳瑞得福学校荣幸地迎来了来自美国佛罗里达州奥兰多Lake Highland预科学校的管弦乐队和合唱团。 总共有大约30位师生和家长来到RDFIS进行了两天的交流,参观和体验美食。 我们的学生很幸运,能够在Lake Highland的杰出管弦乐团指挥Michael Simpson先生的指导下学习,他曾指导过佛罗里达州一些优秀的青年管弦乐队。 RDF十年级学生Mike Li说:“Simpson先生在排练期间变换了我在乐队中的角色,激发了我的热情去体验不同的东西。这让我想起了,当我在美国生活时,在交响乐团中演奏的时光。”RDF学生Jean-Claude Laverlot补充道,“这是一次与专业指挥一起演奏的全新体验。 他告诉我如何在演奏和练习中表现得更专业。”

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Thursday afternoon, our guests were joined by 16 RDF musicians for a wonderful concert featuring pieces from a diverse background such as Telemann and Van Morrison. The performance space was filled to capacity with students, teachers, and parents. Eleventh grade student Tim Li said, “My friends said the concert was the best activity at RDF this year!” RDF students participating included the full Beginning Brass Band class, taught by Mrs. Melissa Leuschel, as well as other talented RDF musicians. The full list of participants is Emily Anderson, Linda Anderson, Benjamin Anderson, Vincent HongyangZhao, Marco Yihuan Luo, Lisa Xiangning Li, Grant Jialin Liu, Maggie Fangrui Wang,Jack Shancheng Huang, Jean-Claude Laverlot, Mike Guangchong Li, Tim Haotian Li,Ellin Chenzilu Wang, Adam Peiran Yuan, Alan Gaoming Zhang, and Sylar Wenjie Zhang.

星期四下午,我们的客人与16位RDF小音乐家一起共同演出了一场精彩的音乐会,演出了来自Telemann和Van Morrison等多元化的作品。 学生,教师和家长坐满了整个表演大堂。 十一年级的学生Tim Li说:“我的朋友说这场音乐会是RDF今年最好的活动!”参与的RDF学生不仅来自MelissaLeuschel指导的初级铜管乐队课程,还有不少其他才华横溢的RDF音乐家。完整的参与学生名单如下:Emily Anderson, Linda Anderson, Benjamin Anderson, 赵泓洋, 罗乙桓, 李香凝, 刘佳霖, 王芳蕊, 黄山城, Jean-Claude Laverlot, 李广翀, 李浩天,王陈子璐,袁沛然, 张高明, 张文杰.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

While it may seem like a random connection for a school from Florida to visit RDF, in fact it is a story almost 20 years in the making. Mr. Dalal, Academic Vice Principal and math teacher was a student of Mr. Simpson as a 6th and 7th grader. Over the years, their friendship has grown, and last summer they had dinner together and began planning a joint performance in China. Through hours of planning and hard work, last week was the realization of their vision for a musical and cultural exchange between China and America, and the results could not have been better.

佛罗里达州的一所学校访问了RDFIS,这看起来是一件再简单不过的事情。但事实上,这是一段跨越了几乎二十年的故事。RDFIS的学术副校长&数学老师,Dalal先生,早在他六七年级的时候,就已是Simpson先生的学生了。多年来,他们的友谊仍在不断增长,去年夏天他们在一次共进晚餐的过程中,便开始计划在中国进行联合演出。 通过无数个小时的规划和努力,上周终于实现了他们对中美之间音乐和文化交流的愿景,收获了令人满意的结果。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Student Perspective

By Emily Anderson, Grade 11

On April 17, 2019, a group of students from Lake Highland Preparatory School in Florida joined RDF students to form acombined orchestra. During two days, students worked together to create beautiful music. The work culminated in a musical performance on April 18 that was attended by many students, teachers, and parents. Orchestra students performed the following pieces.

2019年4月17日,来自佛罗里达州Lake Highland预科学校的一群学生来到了RDFIS,组成了一个联合管弦乐队。在两天的时间里,学生们共同创作出许多美妙的音乐。这项合作在4月18日的音乐表演中达到高潮,许多学生,老师和家长参加了这场演出。乐团学生们演奏了以下的作品:

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Everyone also enjoyed four vocal pieces presented by a choral group from Lake Highland. Mr. Michael Simpson, conductor of the orchestra, expressed his sincere gratitude many times throughout the afternoon concert. “It is truly an honor to perform with the students of RDF International School,” he said.

所有人都沉浸于由Highland Lake合唱团演奏的四首声乐作品中。管弦乐队指挥Michael Simpson先生在下午的音乐会上多次表示了衷心的感谢。 “与RDF国际学校的学生一起表演真的很荣幸,”他说。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

RDF students connected with the students from Florida during rehearsals and at dinner on both nights of the collaboration. On one night, students and parents enjoyed a presentation led by Mary Su, leader of the Chinese Culture Club. Another highlight was Leon Zhan’s performance on the Chinese zither.


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Students who participated in the orchestra enjoyed a farewell dinner on April 18 at a local restaurant. RDF student Emily Anderson said, “We had a great time making music with our new friends! We are so grateful to everyone who made this experience possible.”

参加管弦乐队的学生于4月18日在当地的一家餐馆享用告别晚宴。RDFIS学生Emily Anderson说:“我们和新朋友一起创作音乐的过程真是太棒了! 我们非常感谢让这次体验成为可能的每一个人。”

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1