The RDF Field Day was held on Friday, November 29 on the RDF campus. There was a lot of preparation that went in before the event, and many helpers on the day of, which contributed to the event’s overall success.
The day started off cool, which was probably a good thing to help students want to get their blood flowing. As the day wore on the sun came out, but it never got real warm which made for a good day of activities.
With as many students as we have at RDF it took a lot of effort to arrange activities that would keep the students occupied the entire time. The efforts paid off, and it was heartening to see so many students participating enthusiastically.
Mr. Brian Robinson served an enthusiastic master of ceremonies who encouraged students through the loud speaker and kept them moving from event to event with his good time keeping and classic choice in music.
Students enjoyed the hula hoop race, in which teams joined hands in a line and passed a hula hoop down their line, over heads and under feet, without releasing hands (it’s not as easy as it sounds).
They also liked the wheelbarrow race where the highlight was one student simply carrying another student rather than walking them like a wheelbarrow.
Many in the staff were amazed with how fast students ran their 200M leg of the team relay. Some students appeared to be running for their lives.
We had students playing dodgeball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, and badminton.
One of our RDF basketball players, after spraining his ankle last night in our basketball game, hopped his way around the basketball hot shot and still scored several points.
We also had students shot putting, throwing footballs, and playing tug-of-war. With such a variety of events the hope was to get everyone included, which I think we did. Most students seemed pretty excited to participate.
One student, determined to win a medal, ran the 50M sprint eight times to finally claim the bronze medal.
Girls and boys who could do pull ups, won the combined pull up, push up, and sit up competition.
The staff talked of how impressed they were with the student engagement, their tenacity, and their effort. For example, we had a few students stumble while running or doing other strenuous events. Most just jumped right up and continued with their activity, showing endurance!
This was a great event to foster teamwork and unity. It also gave teachers and staff the chance to encourage students in activities outside the classroom. We truly have a wonderful student body and staff.
Once the games were over and the points were tallied, we had a lot of different winners with only a few students who placed in more than one event.
We also had a happy Blue Sharks team who won the most points on the day. Congratulations Sharks, and thanks to the teachers, administration, and staff who made this day a success!

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