The Waterloo Math Contest is a full range of math competitions from the 7th to the 12th grade. It is also known as the Canadian Mathematics Competition. It is the official mathematics competition in C
2018年7月28日-7月31日,世界上规模最大、级别最高的国际中学生模拟联合国大会中国会(简称“NHSMUN China”)在广州白云国际会议中心举行。来自全国95所学校的超过1000代表参加本次大会。深圳瑞得福学校代表团第一次派出代表团参赛。经过四天紧张的比赛,深圳瑞得福学校代表团表现优异,一举囊括多项大奖:Best Team : RDF International SchoolBest De
The Waterloo Math Contest is a full range of math competitions from the 7th to the 12th grade. It is also known as the Canadian Mathematics Competition. It is the official mathematics competition in C
2018年7月28日-7月31日,世界上规模最大、级别最高的国际中学生模拟联合国大会中国会(简称“NHSMUN China”)在广州白云国际会议中心举行。来自全国95所学校的超过1000代表参加本次大会。深圳瑞得福学校代表团第一次派出代表团参赛。经过四天紧张的比赛,深圳瑞得福学校代表团表现优异,一举囊括多项大奖:Best Team : RDF International SchoolBest De