The Waterloo Math Contest is a full range of math competitions from the 7th to the 12th grade. It is also known as the Canadian Mathematics Competition. It is the official mathematics competition in Canada. The competition began in 1963 and has been 56 years old. It was organized by the Canadian Center for Mathematics and Computer Education (CEMC), which is established at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. The results of the competition have been widely recognized in Canadian and American universities. The students of RDF International School participated in the competition this year and were full of harvest.
Waterloo滑铁卢系列数学竞赛是一个覆盖7年级-12年级的全系列数学竞赛,又叫加拿大数学竞赛(Canadian Mathematics Competition)。这是一个加拿大的官方数学竞赛。该项竞赛始于1963年,迄今已有56年历史,由设立于Waterloo大学数学系的加拿大数学与计算机教育中心(CEMC)主办。滑铁卢数学竞赛的成绩在加拿大和美国大学中已经得到广泛认可。深圳瑞得福学校的学生们在今年参加了比赛,并且收获满满。
Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Mathematics Contests
The Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Math Contests are an opportunity for students to write a full-solution contest. They are fun way to develop mathematical problem solving skills through a written mathematical activity.
Students in Grade 9 or below--- Fryer Contest
Students in Grade 10 or below---Galois Contest
Students in Grade 11 or below---Hypatia Contest
April 11th,2019
4 free response questions, 75 minutes, 40 total marks
9年级—Fryer Contest
10年级—Galois Contest
11年级—Hypatia Contest
Results: Fryer Contest---Grade 9
Certificate of Distinction: Che Li(Richard),Wenxuan Zhou(Sween)
Galois Contest---Grade 10
Certificate of Distinction: Yuhao Chen(Howard),Xiuzhi Wu(Rengar)
Hypatia Contest---Grade 11
Certificate of Distinction: Jiayao Li(Danny), Qi Qiu(Emily)
Congratulations to the above-mentioned award-winning students.I hope that the students of RDF will get more awards in the future. Fighting!

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