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全国招生热线 400-806-4123
当前位置:深圳瑞得福学校 体育赛事
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
 Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
Robert House  AP世界历史、哲学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
Muhammad Aqib Zia 人工智能导论与ChatGPT应用、游戏开发、AP计算机科学原理老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Muhammad Aqib Zia 人工智能导论与ChatGPT应用、游戏开发、AP计算机科学原理老师
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain
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2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
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2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo
HS SOCCER (2024-2025 SEASON)
2025-03-03  456  体育赛事

Our two teams started the league season with a strong pace and convincing victories at home against HSS Whittle School. Despite the high difference on both scoreboards at the end of the games, the satisfaction achieved by our teams was quite different: while the girls dominated from the beginning and showed a choral and collective game, the boys struggle until the very end, arriving to the last seven minutes of the match with a single goal advantage.

It was the boys who opened the competition at 3:50PM. Coach Roma started the game with those players that didn't miss Monday's training, and soon Rex scored the first goal of the match. Kevin scored the second right before half time and gave the Eagles a comfortable advantage despite their non-most brilliant performance.

But second half started with a goal for HSS, and our boys got knocked out for a few minutes. HSS even had the chance to level the scoreboard, but the left post saved Paul and the Eagles. Tony Li changed the game when he jumped onto the field within seven minutes left, giving an assist and forcing a penalty both scored by Kevin.  Then Christiano, Kevin again, and Tony, opened the gap to the final 7-1 that definitely doesn't show the reality of the match.

Our girls' performance was very different. Since the warm-up Coach Blanco insisted on the importance of being focus and get the job done as early as possible to avoid complications like the one suffered by the boys. Alex opened the count after an amazing team play in which Joyce, Zoe, Tisa, Teodora and finally Alex moved the ball from the right corner to the left one, playing one-two touches and showing a great ability to give speed to our ball circulation despite having only one training prior the match.

Alex was the star of the game with three goals and several assists, followed by Rue's hat-trick (achieved despite playing only the final ten minutes of the match). Joyce, Helen, Teodora and Larissa also contributed with a goal, and Zoe, Tisa, Baiansy, Kelley and Sophie did great in defense and midfield, allowing Ann to end with a clean sheet in her first match as a goalie.

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瑞得福国际学校 RDFIS

Our HS Boys Soccer Team played the first friendly game of the year yesterday against Sendelta. With the season starting at the end of February, and with the following three weeks break awaiting, this match was important for Coach Roma to see his players in action and for our students to experience situations and scenarios in a real match.

Against a more experienced and trained team, our players adopted a more reactive attitude, giving the initiative with the ball to the visitors and trying to take advantage of fast breaks to create chances to score. With Paul giving the best performance at the goal, denying Sendelta's goal several times, Cristiano's and Kevin's work in midfield made the difference in the first half with two almost consecutive counterattacks that Kevin transformed in a 2-0 advantage.

Sendelta didn't change his approach to the game and, with our players more tired due the defensive effort and the lack of preparation, leveled the game in the second half despite Paul's outstanding saves. Kevin, Jason and Rex had opportunities to give us the win in the last few minutes of the game, but then it was their goalkeeper who kept the 2-2.

The game was decided by a penalty shootout, in which Ethan, Jason, Rex and Shunyu scored their shots to give us the first win of the year.

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1
HS SOCCER (2024-2025 SEASON)
2025-03-03  456  体育赛事

Our two teams started the league season with a strong pace and convincing victories at home against HSS Whittle School. Despite the high difference on both scoreboards at the end of the games, the satisfaction achieved by our teams was quite different: while the girls dominated from the beginning and showed a choral and collective game, the boys struggle until the very end, arriving to the last seven minutes of the match with a single goal advantage.

It was the boys who opened the competition at 3:50PM. Coach Roma started the game with those players that didn't miss Monday's training, and soon Rex scored the first goal of the match. Kevin scored the second right before half time and gave the Eagles a comfortable advantage despite their non-most brilliant performance.

But second half started with a goal for HSS, and our boys got knocked out for a few minutes. HSS even had the chance to level the scoreboard, but the left post saved Paul and the Eagles. Tony Li changed the game when he jumped onto the field within seven minutes left, giving an assist and forcing a penalty both scored by Kevin.  Then Christiano, Kevin again, and Tony, opened the gap to the final 7-1 that definitely doesn't show the reality of the match.

Our girls' performance was very different. Since the warm-up Coach Blanco insisted on the importance of being focus and get the job done as early as possible to avoid complications like the one suffered by the boys. Alex opened the count after an amazing team play in which Joyce, Zoe, Tisa, Teodora and finally Alex moved the ball from the right corner to the left one, playing one-two touches and showing a great ability to give speed to our ball circulation despite having only one training prior the match.

Alex was the star of the game with three goals and several assists, followed by Rue's hat-trick (achieved despite playing only the final ten minutes of the match). Joyce, Helen, Teodora and Larissa also contributed with a goal, and Zoe, Tisa, Baiansy, Kelley and Sophie did great in defense and midfield, allowing Ann to end with a clean sheet in her first match as a goalie.

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瑞得福国际学校 RDFIS

Our HS Boys Soccer Team played the first friendly game of the year yesterday against Sendelta. With the season starting at the end of February, and with the following three weeks break awaiting, this match was important for Coach Roma to see his players in action and for our students to experience situations and scenarios in a real match.

Against a more experienced and trained team, our players adopted a more reactive attitude, giving the initiative with the ball to the visitors and trying to take advantage of fast breaks to create chances to score. With Paul giving the best performance at the goal, denying Sendelta's goal several times, Cristiano's and Kevin's work in midfield made the difference in the first half with two almost consecutive counterattacks that Kevin transformed in a 2-0 advantage.

Sendelta didn't change his approach to the game and, with our players more tired due the defensive effort and the lack of preparation, leveled the game in the second half despite Paul's outstanding saves. Kevin, Jason and Rex had opportunities to give us the win in the last few minutes of the game, but then it was their goalkeeper who kept the 2-2.

The game was decided by a penalty shootout, in which Ethan, Jason, Rex and Shunyu scored their shots to give us the first win of the year.

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1