Kimberley Allen 来自加勒比岛国牙买加,是一位经验丰富的数学教师。她毕业于拥有百年历史的师范教育机构The Mico University College,以优异的成绩获得数学教育学士学位,并在该学科积累了丰富的教学经验。她在牙买加顶尖的高中教授高级数学和附加数学。她有一个保持多年的良好记录,在她的班上始终有超过 98% 的学生在考试中表现很出色。她的执教理念是以责任感为指导,创造一个培养学生数学学科兴趣的良好的学习环境,同时培养学生所需的技能。 Kimberley自2020年起常驻中国深圳,在此期间积累了丰富的国际教学经验,拓宽了教学视野。Kimberley已经融入了中国文化。
Kimberley Allen is from the Caribbean Island, Jamaica, and is a trained teacher of Mathematics. She graduated from The Mico University College, a centuries-old teachers’ education institution, and holds the degree, Bachelor of Education in Mathematics, with honors. She has accumulated vast experience in the discipline. As part of this, she taught Advanced Level Mathematics and Additional Mathematics at leading Jamaican High schools. She has an outstanding track record of consistently having over ninety-eight percent of the pupils in her class excelling in their external examinations. Kimberley’s professional outlook and philosophy are guided by a sense of duty to create a nurturing learning environment which fosters deep interest in the subject of Mathematics, while allowing students to develop the skills needed to positively impact the world. Kimberley has been a resident of Shenzhen, China since 2020. During this time, she has gained international teaching experience and broadened her teaching horizon. Kimberley has assimilated herself in the Chinese culture, for which she has developed great admiration.

- Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
- Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
- Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
- Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师
- Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
- Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
- Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
- Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
- Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
- Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
- Muhammad Aqib Zia 人工智能导论与ChatGPT应用、游戏开发、AP计算机科学原理老师
- Alistair D. Stevenson 陶艺、高阶陶艺老师
- Goran Raicevic 体育老师
- Ian Meek 物理、AP物理1老师
- Kimberley Sophia Allen 代数、AP预备微积分老师
- Arsene Keruburundi 心理学、AP心理学老师
- Trakia Thomas 美国历史、社会科学老师
- Jay Xu 计算机老师
- George Kubu 美国文学、世界文学老师
- Miguel Valero 西班牙语老师