在瑞得福度过的四年时间里,我有幸遇到了许多优秀的老师和同学们,并和其中许多人成为了亲密的朋友。我参加了许多很棒的校园活动,这些活动经历成为了我在瑞得福独特的回忆和故事。这些故事,有的令人心碎,有的鼓舞人心,但无论是苦是甜,对我来说都是宝贵的经历。四年前,我胆小,甚至不知道如何回答老师“How is your day?”这么简单的问题,但现在,我能够与外教老师畅所欲言。四年前,我连自己都照顾不好;现在,我能够带领整个团队。在这里,我衷心感谢所有曾给予我帮助并激励我从害羞变得勇敢,从胆小变得自信的人。
尽管时光飞逝,但那些在学校的美好记忆我将永远珍藏于心。还记得入读瑞得福的第一年,下课后Mr. Dye老师让我先别走。当看到他手握着我的作文朝我走来时我意识到自己肯定完了,他肯定要批评我写的作文。但是让我感到惊讶的是,他并没有指责我,相反,他很耐心地告诉我如何写一篇好的作文。第二年,因为AP课程难度太大,我被压得喘不过气来,在我以为我无法克服这些AP课程的时候,是Mrs. Senekal 帮我渡过了这个难关。在瑞得福的第三年,Miss. Justine教导我如何用不同的眼光看待这个世界,如何看到别人身上的优点。在最后一年,Mrs. Tippetts对我们统计小组的指导和帮助也会让我铭记于心。她经常像妈妈一样,很温柔地给我讲许多的道理,例如为什么要早睡,为什么睡前不能喝咖啡等等,这些关心让我感受到了温暖。
现在,我们即将开始了一段新的征程,开启人生新的冒险。我们将去上大学,适应新的环境,面对新挑战。我希望我们能够自己决定自己的人生,并做出正确的选择。我希望我们能肩负起自己的责任,因为只有这样做,我们才能成为一个以身作则的成年人。让我们充分享受生活,同时也能够勇敢面对挑战。我们即将出国深造,但请将一件事铭记于心—— 我们是中国人,在别的国家,我们就代表着中国。我们要好好表现,让我们的国家为我们感到骄傲。
Distinguished teachers, parents, and students. Good morning! I am Christina Li from 12B and it is my great honor to deliver this speech on behalf of the Class of 2022.
During my four years of high school here at RDF, I have met many wonderful teachers and classmates, with many of whom I have become close friends. I have experienced a number of awesome campus events, all of which are now a part of my Special Memories and Stories from RDF. Among these stories, some are tough and heart-breaking while others are hilarious and inspiring, but all are memorable and valuable to me. While at RDF I have transformed from a shy girl who didn’t know how to properly reply to her teachers’ “How is your day?” into someone who can openly and fluently communicate with foreign teachers. I have transformed from a girl who was barely able to take care of herself into someone who can ably lead a whole team. I sincerely appreciate all the people who have encouraged and pushed me from timidity to boldness; from reticence to confidence.
Even though the time has passed quickly, my fond memories will last. I remember my first year when I was “caught” by one of my favorite teachers, Mr. Dye. As he approached me with my essay in hand, I thought for sure I was doomed and would be seriously criticized, but to my pleasant surprise, he didn’t criticize me at all. Instead, he patiently taught me how to write a good essay. During my second year, I felt overwhelmed by my AP courses and I didn’t think I’d to overcome this challenge. In my third year, Miss Justine educated me on how to see the world from different perspectives and how to see people according to their merits. From my fourth year I’ll especially cherish the memory of Mrs. Tippetts messaging our statistics group, in a motherly tone, telling us why we should go to sleep early and not drink coffee.
Yes, the time has gone, but what my teachers have taught me will never leave me. The wisdom and knowledge that they have imparted; the love they have shown—these are gifts I will never forget or lose.
Now, we are off to a new journey. We will have new adventures. There will be new universities to attend; new environments to adapt to; new challenges to face. I hope that we will make our own decisions and that these decisions will be the right ones. I hope that we will accept our responsibilities, knowing that in so doing we will be mature young adults who lead by example. I hope that we will enjoy our lives to the fullest, all the while facing challenges bravely. Let us all, especially those of us who go abroad, keep this very important thing in mind: We are Chinese. We will always represent China. We shall behave well and make our nation proud.
Last but not least, I want to thank my lovely parents. It is they who have unfailingly supported me in so many ways for 19 years. They have nourished me with unconditional love, enduring patience, and tempered tolerance.
Mum, Dad, I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. I would not have made it without your support. Thank you. I love you.

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