Twenty centuries ago, the Catholic Church on the Europa continent designated November 1 as the "Day of Saints in the World", so the Celtics who settled in Britain in the north disguised themselves the day before, wearing masks and incarnations. The terrible evil spirits frightened away the demons wandering around. In this way, they will not be disturbed by demons on a holy day.
And in an international school like RDFIS, many activities and performances were held during Halloween. During the first four days of Halloween, on the evening of October 27th, the students all dressed in various costumes and painted special effects makeup to celebrate this special holiday.
From 7:00 pm., the Halloween party has started on the fields. After a round of singing and dancing, there is a costume showcase for teachers and students. The ghosts with grotesque makeup on the stage show the uniqueness of Halloween.
As night fell, the atmosphere of horror filled the campus. From 7:30 pm. Two haunted houses were opened. The owner of the puppet manor was waiting for his visitors. For the players who come to experience, they must find the clues and then escape this and find the truth behind it. In Puppet Manor, you can experience the thrill of the chase and the sense of accomplishment during puzzle solving. While in the other Haunted house, you need to cooperate with your teammates, and search for various clues and also use logical thinking to find out the truth.
说起万圣节你肯定会联想到孩子们的那句trick or treat。吃着各式各样的糖果在这个精彩绝伦的万圣夜也是个不可或缺的环节。我们在中餐厅准备了三个分别提供烤肠,糖饼和棉花糖的摊位。当晚的美食很是受青睐,没到一会就卖出几十份。棉花糖很是实惠,只要4元就能把买到一份平价的快乐;香气四溢的烤肠绝对是当之无愧的明星了,不到一会竟然全部售空。
Speaking of Halloween, you will definitely think of the trick or treat of children. Eating all kinds of candies is also an indispensable part of this wonderful event. We have prepared three of our best meals in the Chinese restaurant offering grilled sausages, Dalgona, and marshmallows. The food of the evening was very popular, and dozens were sold in a short amount of time. The prices of our snacks were very cheap, only for 4 Yuan, you can purchase one of our best Marshmallows. The extraordinary sausage was definitely a well-deserved star, and it was sold out in less than an hour.
Special thanks to RDFIS Baking Club and RDFIS Coffee Club for the excellence of running their own shop in the event.
2021 RDFIS Halloween Event receives a satisfactory ending. Thanks for the hard work of the faculty, and we wish everyone a great Halloween!

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